
Warning: this page is about EZTrace 1.x. For the most recent version, please visit https://eztrace.gitlab.io/eztrace/

Analyzing an MPI application with EZTrace

Installing EZTrace

First, configure EZTrace as described in the support page.
$ ./configure --with-mpi-include=<PATH_TO_MPI.H> --prefix=<INSTALLATION_DIR>

Check that MPI was detected by configure:
$ grep -r ac_cv_header_mpi_h config.log

If everything is OK, compile and install EZTrace:
$ make &&make install

Check the installation of EZTrace:
$ eztrace_avail
3       stdio   Module for stdio functions (read, write, select, poll, etc.)
2       pthread Module for PThread synchronization functions (mutex, semaphore, spinlock, etc.)
1       omp     Module for OpenMP parallel regions
4       mpi     Module for MPI functions
5       memory  Module for memory functions (malloc, free, etc.)

Running an application with EZTrace

Let's analyze this MPI stencil application. First, compile it:
$ tar xzvf stencil_mpi.tgz
$ mpicc -o stencil_mpi stencil_mpi.c

You can run the application with:
$ mpirun -np 4 ./stencil_mpi 1024

To analyze it with EZTrace, simply add eztrace -t mpi to the command line:
$ mpirun -np 4 eztrace -t mpi ./stencil_mpi 1024

Each MPI process will generate a trace file in
If you run the program on several nodes, you can retrieve the trace files using scp.

In order to avoid retrieving the trace files after the execution, you can set EZTRACE_TRACE_DIR to a directory that is shared among the nodes of your cluster. For instance:

$ export EZTRACE_TRACE_DIR=$HOME/traces
$ mpirun -np 4 eztrace ./stencil_mpi 1024
Stopping EZTrace... saving trace  /home/${USER}/traces/${USER}_eztrace_log_rank_0
Stopping EZTrace... saving trace  /home/${USER}/traces/${USER}_eztrace_log_rank_2
Stopping EZTrace... saving trace  /home/${USER}/traces/${USER}_eztrace_log_rank_1
Stopping EZTrace... saving trace  /home/${USER}/traces/${USER}_eztrace_log_rank_3

Analyzing the execution of the application

Once the execution traces are generated, we need to analyze them. EZTrace allows to:
Visualizing an execution trace

In order to generate a PAJE/OTF trace file that can be visualized with ViTE or Vampir, you need to run eztrace_convert:

$ eztrace_convert -t PAJE $HOME/traces/${USER}_eztrace_log_rank_*
module stdio loaded
module pthread loaded
module omp loaded
module mpi loaded
module memory loaded
5 modules loaded
no more block for trace #2
no more block for trace #3
no more block for trace #1
no more block for trace #0
1570 events handled

This generates a file named paje.trace that you can visualize with ViTE:
$ vite paje.trace

Computing statistics
EZTrace can compute statistics on MPI messages:
$ eztrace_stats $HOME/traces/${USER}_eztrace_log_rank_*

        MPI_RECV             :300 calls
        MPI_ISEND            :300 calls
        MPI_WAIT             :300 calls
        MPI_BARRIER          :8 calls
CT_Process #0 --        50 messages sent
        Size of messages (byte):        min: 8192       max: 8192       average: 8192   total: 409600
        Time spent sending messages (ms):       min: 25.654522  max: 37.878700  average: 33.762951      total: 1688.147534
        Time spent computing while sending messages (ms):       min: 25.651473  max: 37.876794  average: 33.760435      total: 1688.021762
        Time spent in MPI_Send or waiting for a Isend to complete (ms): min: 0.001450   max: 0.005251   average: 0.002515       total: 0.125772
        Time spent receiving messages (ms):     min: 0.010901   max: 11.508515  average: 3.747645       total: 187.382259
        Time spent computing while receiving messages (ms):     min: 0.000000   max: 0.000000   average: 0.000000       total: 0.000000
        Time spent in MPI_Recv or waiting for a Irecv to complete (ms): min: 0.010901   max: 11.508515  average: 3.747645       total: 187.382259
CT_Process #1 --        100 messages sent
        Size of messages (byte):        min: 8192       max: 8192       average: 8192   total: 819200
        Time spent sending messages (ms):       min: 0.014730   max: 42.560793  average: 18.752866      total: 1875.286636
        Time spent computing while sending messages (ms):       min: 0.013260   max: 42.557880  average: 18.750474      total: 1875.047353
        Time spent in MPI_Send or waiting for a Isend to complete (ms): min: 0.001031   max: 0.008158   average: 0.002393       total: 0.239283
        Time spent receiving messages (ms):     min: 0.004429   max: 11.215598  average: 1.219087       total: 121.908687
        Time spent computing while receiving messages (ms):     min: 0.000000   max: 0.000000   average: 0.000000       total: 0.000000
        Time spent in MPI_Recv or waiting for a Irecv to complete (ms): min: 0.004429   max: 11.215598  average: 1.219087       total: 121.908687
CT_Process #2 --        100 messages sent
        Size of messages (byte):        min: 8192       max: 8192       average: 8192   total: 819200
        Time spent sending messages (ms):       min: 0.018938   max: 42.488664  average: 18.103344      total: 1810.334430
        Time spent computing while sending messages (ms):       min: 0.018449   max: 42.486583  average: 18.101278      total: 1810.127777
        Time spent in MPI_Send or waiting for a Isend to complete (ms): min: 0.000315   max: 0.036811   average: 0.002067       total: 0.206653
        Time spent receiving messages (ms):     min: 0.005040   max: 14.437164  average: 2.907976       total: 290.797554
        Time spent computing while receiving messages (ms):     min: 0.000000   max: 0.000000   average: 0.000000       total: 0.000000
        Time spent in MPI_Recv or waiting for a Irecv to complete (ms): min: 0.005040   max: 14.437164  average: 2.907976       total: 290.797554
CT_Process #3 --        50 messages sent
        Size of messages (byte):        min: 8192       max: 8192       average: 8192   total: 409600
        Time spent sending messages (ms):       min: 0.018112   max: 14.455367  average: 5.824193       total: 291.209661
        Time spent computing while sending messages (ms):       min: 0.017621   max: 14.454577  average: 5.823531       total: 291.176530
        Time spent in MPI_Send or waiting for a Isend to complete (ms): min: 0.000404   max: 0.001063   average: 0.000663       total: 0.033131
        Time spent receiving messages (ms):     min: 0.009640   max: 14.142448  average: 4.225155       total: 211.257759
        Time spent computing while receiving messages (ms):     min: 0.000000   max: 0.000000   average: 0.000000       total: 0.000000
        Time spent in MPI_Recv or waiting for a Irecv to complete (ms): min: 0.009640   max: 14.142448  average: 4.225155       total: 211.257759

        /tmp/eztrace_stats_${USER}/message_size.gp was created

eztrace_stats prints:
Dumping the messages
Additionnaly, you can get the list of all messages that were exchanged during the execution by setting EZTRACE_MPI_DUMP_MESSAGES:
$ eztrace_stats $HOME/traces/${USER}_eztrace_log_rank_*
MPI messages dumped in /tmp/eztrace_stats_${USER}/${USER}_eztrace_message_dump
$ cat /tmp/eztrace_stats_${USER}/${USER}_eztrace_message_dump
# src   dest    len     tag     Isend_tick      SWait_tick      Wait_done_tick  Irecv_tick      RWait_tick      Wait_done_tick  Sender_request  Receiver_request
1       0       8192    0       1685106493      1712167873      1712170464      1687482772      1687482772      1687497702      0x890960        (nil)
1       0       8192    0       1652218487      1685066389      1685068287      1657773287      1657773287      1657788052      0x890920        (nil)
1       0       8192    0       1619270156      1652179190      1652180986      1628295337      1628295337      1628310886      0x8908e0        (nil)
1       0       8192    0       1586632048      1619230569      1619232188      1598695549      1598695549      1598710239      0x8908a0        (nil)
1       0       8192    0       1548711295      1586588089      1586589995      1568940582      1568940582      1568955344      0x890860        (nil)

This file contains the list of messages that were exchanged during the execution of the application. For each message, you have access to:

This tutorial was designed for EZTrace 1.0 or higher. If you encounter any problem, feel free to contact EZTrace developpers.